Thanks for dropping by.
If you have a question about the way we can work together or wish to know more about the projects I’m working on please drop me an email to fiona@fionacatchpowle.com
Keep it short and sweet if you can.
My preferred way to connect is via a video call, so let me know if you’re happy to chat face to face and I’ll reply with the very special link. [please note if you want to embark on working with me I do this via the same video platform, so this will be your minimum skill requirement to get started]
I have some hearing difficulties so really dislike sudden phone calls, and prefer to take these by appointment only, or send me a WhatsApp text on 07591 427 130, to book a call.
– Fiona Catchpowle #MenopauseDoula
PS. If you want to send snail mail the address is: Apt 23, Keepers Gate, Birmingham. B37 7SW