With over 8 years experience of social media projects in Marbella and a business training service that has helped hundreds of Spain-based solopreneurs, we are very well qualified to provide you and your business with the support you need with all your social network focused communications.
Our anchor platform is Facebook, because right here on the Costa del Sol ‘if it’s not on Facebook it’s not happening!’
Our ideal client is a flying-solo business owner, wearing all the hats in the business, who acknowledges they need a more effective approach to Facebook in order to get the results that they need to build their business, and currently it’s just not working out how you planned.
We can offer a variety of solutions, such as Done for You, Done with You or Done by You.
Please note that none of options are a quick fix and we only work for or with you from a minimum 8 weeks. (By you is on demand)
If this kind of time investment is NOT for you then we are NOT the agency for you.
Done by You is our business coaching program and you can select a group training, a one-off session or a block of tutorials, where you receive training in the tech areas you request and then manage your own social media. The DIY approach in our opinion is the best choice, although we realise that it is not for everyone.
Why opt for Done by You?
We put this at the top of our list because you are your own CEO, the Creative Director. No one understand and cares about the business more than you do. However you can have as many fancy tools as you like to run a Facebook Page but if you don’t have the full, inside knowledge how can you get results? Once you have grasped and clearly understood the process that gets results and do not wish to do all the technical button pushing you can then consider …
Done with You .. our combination package and favored by most
If you’re prepared to put in some home-study and listen to what we need to tell you about the inside workings of Facebook you can jump straight in to this option.
We know for sure, having worked with hundreds of bricks & mortar business owners that unless you know who your ideal client is and how Facebook content appears in front of them you will be permanently disappointed.
Done with You allows us to coach you and show you how it works, with easy to follow examples. We do half the work and so do you.
Sometimes this is just enough to give you the boost and focus you needed and you can take over after 8 weeks, or stay with the 50:50 option.
On the other hand if the project has out-grown you and you need the full time support our team can give you then the program you want is
Done for You … a complete social media management strategy
We know that every day social media button pushing is not for everyone. But it is for us and we want you to be the someone that asks us to do it for you.
Do you know how intensely difficult it is to create, manage & monitor a social media strategy for a business we are not the owners of?
Just checking you appreciate that and I take you back to the fact that if you want to use Facebook, use it well and get results, understanding the framework and fundamentals is essential. We are not a one size fits all and quick fix operation. We need time to get to know you and vice versa.
If this kind of time investment is NOT for you then we are NOT the agency for you.
If you want to get started and decide which format is best for you, please book a 10 min call using this link and we can speak to you in person