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What does a Menopause Doula do?

What does a Menopause Doula do?

A Menopause Doula is someone who can guide, nurture, and support you, from periods to perimenopause and beyond.

Guide – I do this by providing general and specific information about menopausing, and how it applies to you. Before you talk with me I will send you some questions to answer so we can have a good insight of which direction our chat needs to go.

Nurture – This is where I listen to your menstrual health experience so far and find out more about what matters to you. It may also include some mindset work, and exploring your values and beliefs so we can start to build a menopause tool kit.

Support – Using my Menopause Mapping principles we gradually explore the glimmers and triggers and start planning your next best step along the menstrual health timeline

What kind of menopause information do we talk about?

Sometimes it’s a bit like a menopause lesson. I provide some helpful resources to give you some background knowledge and then you have plenty of time to ask me questions. My years of experience talking about menopause have given me some practical tools to explain the hormone biology, without being boring. Very early on in helping people navigate this time, I realied that you can’t manage what you don’t understand, so some basic menstrual health know-how helps you see the bigger picture, of where you’ve come from and where you are going.

Who can work with a Menopause Doula?

Anyone. It could be the person going through the experience or the people who love them.

  • Most often if you can’t see the wood for the trees and want to reach it and speak with someone with lived experience and a lot of helpful tools and resources then this is the conversation for you.
  • You could be someone who’s done a lot of homework, but hasn’t quite figured out the best way forward and would like some signposting and support.
  • Maybe you have tried all the lifestyle measures, even added a sprinkle of HRT, but still feel exhausted and want some help. 

I’m here for all of the above.

How often can you speak with a Menopause Doula?

As often as you wish. Unlike a therapist with a specific modality, we can give you a broad perspective of the dynamics of menopausing. I see myself as a generalised specialist.

However please do not confuse me with a clinical menopause specialist who prescribes pharmaceuticals. 

  • You may find that one menopause therapy conversation, with your Menopause Mapping guide in hand, is enough for you. You can always pop back again another time. 
  • Perhaps you know that you are the kind of person who will need a little prompt for a few weeks to keep you heading in the right direction. I can do that too.
  • At any point, I am happy to speak with you and a special someone who is planning on being part of your Team Meno. It’s not always easy to explain to others what you’re feeling, so I can help you with that as well.

I have been in the holistic health and wellbeing arena for nearly 35 years, starting as a Beauty Therapist. I also trained in Applied Biology and became a Biology teacher. As I was going through perimenopause in a very haphazard way I realised that I had never been taught about menstrual health, let alone menopause health.

My vision is to increase access to information about menstrual health for everyone who needs it, across life stages. I didn’t have anyone to reach out to and ask the simplest of questions so I became one, for others. My particular style of Menopause Doula-ing also expands to menstrual health with a wider lens. So you don’t need to be perimenopausal to benefit from a conversation with me.

Less is More

Less is More

Take a step back from your Facebook Page and think twice, write once!

Saint Isaac’s Cathedral interior is stunning, no doubt about that.

“The cathedral’s bronze doors, covered in reliefs by Ivan Vitali, are patterned after the celebrated doors of the Battistero di San Giovanni in Florence, designed by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Suspended underneath the peak of the dome is a sculpted white dove representing the Holy Spirit. Internal features such as columns, pilasters, floor, and statue of Montferrand are composed of multicolored granites and marbles gathered from all parts of Russia. The iconostasis is framed by eight columns of semiprecious stone: six of malachite and two smaller ones of lazurite. The four pediments are also richly sculpted.” from Wikipedia

Some business owners are still trying to create their Facebook Page content to the level of the interior of Saint Isaac’s Cathedral. They must be exhausted!

Less is More for sure – 100%.

How many times a week are you posting? If it’s more than 5, it’s probably too often and if it’s more than 7 you must be totally drained of creativity.
The exception to posting often would be if you are getting great results doing so. If you’re post reach is less then 10% of your Page likes stop and think why? Posting the same stuff more often will not help.
I know there have been many posting strategies recommended over the years and if you’ve got stuck in a rut and feel the need to post … just because you think you ought to, then take a step back and breathe.
Relevant & Meaningful is the name of the game these days and to be honest has been for some time.
Think twice, write once. Make the words matter and don’t plod along aimlessly.
Trust me I’m a Facebook Mechanic and I know what works

Last week I broadcast 3 times to different groups/pages showing the amazing result I had achieved with a Facebook post on my La Cala Life Project

I hadn’t posted for 2 weeks. I was waiting until I had something relevant & meaningful to share with my tribe.

When I did, they loved it. Tuning in to your tribe is so important for longevity, reach & engagement. By modifying frequency, length of post and type (image, weblink etc) you will see what your tribe prefer. You need to check your Page Insights regularly to really understand what is working and what isn’t. There is no point in plodding along and following what other people do, and hoping it works for you.

Plus you need to know that you are giving them what they signed up. When they became a fan what did you promise them? If you give the people what they want they will come back for more.

Posting 2 or 3 times a day is not necessary for the majority of business pages. Do you really have that much to say? Or are you just doing it because that’s what someone told you to do about 3 years ago …. and old habits die hard.

Elaborate plans and strategies like those used to adorn the interiors of Saint Isaac’s Cathedral are outdated and no longer effective.

Unlike the Cathedral these methods have not stood the test of time. Throw in a bunch of the wrong page likes, as that’s another old habit, and you’re doomed.

I’m not joking. STOP now before it’s too late

  • STOP asking for Page LIKES* – and ask for Post Likes
  • Less is more
  • Give the people what they want

Keep it simple, straight forward. Choose what you say and when you say it. Don’t post for the sake of it.

Not only is it hard work keeping up with creative content and jumping through hoops, I have been tracking ‘post reach over time’ and if you do not leave a long enough gap between posts you are actually cutting them off in their prime.

Content stays in the news feed much longer than it use to and almost has a drip feed mentality. If you think of the number of times you see a post that is 2 days old you should suddenly get a #lightbulbmoment

If you’d like to receive regular top-tips about Facebook you can subscribe to my newsletter below – it’s FREE. I’ve also added a link to the video I broadcast last week.

PS. *When I say STOP asking for Page likes I’m not talking about during your start-up period, but even then there are rules and you must follow a launch formula

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Facebook Ads Framework Registration Complete

Thank you for registering for the online & live combo course Facebook Ads Framework

The online materials will be dispatched to your registration email account on 24th September 2018

We will send an email to this address in the next 48 hours, please confirm receipt.

Please join the Closed Group HERE —>

The LIVE Ask Me Anything will take place inside the Closed Group on Monday 1st October 2018 at 11am Spain time/10am UK time

#FacebookFit Summer Camp 2018 feedback

Hi #CyberHeros,

Thank you so much for taking part in this year’s #FacebookFit Online course.

I would now love some feedback, good or bad. If you could complete the online form below and press submit I’d be very grateful. This process is open and transparent. Your answers will help me create more courses to help more business owners make the most of Facebook.