“Why don’t we learn this at school?”
Natwest Hub, Birmingham. 29th September 2023
Working alongside Jake Mahal, talking about menopause for 90 minutes, is something we could do every day. The audience response in the chat and the questions we were asked confirmed that people do want to talk about menopause, particularly from teachers who explain in clear, relevant terms, the facts of menopause.

Take a step back from your Facebook Page and think twice, write once!
Saint Isaac’s Cathedral interior is stunning, no doubt about that.
“The cathedral’s bronze doors, covered in reliefs by Ivan Vitali, are patterned after the celebrated doors of the Battistero di San Giovanni in Florence, designed by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Suspended underneath the peak of the dome is a sculpted white dove representing the Holy Spirit. Internal features such as columns, pilasters, floor, and statue of Montferrand are composed of multicolored granites and marbles gathered from all parts of Russia. The iconostasis is framed by eight columns of semiprecious stone: six of malachite and two smaller ones of lazurite. The four pediments are also richly sculpted.” from Wikipedia
Some business owners are still trying to create their Facebook Page content to the level of the interior of Saint Isaac’s Cathedral. They must be exhausted!
Less is More for sure – 100%.
How many times a week are you posting? If it’s more than 5, it’s probably too often and if it’s more than 7 you must be totally drained of creativity.
The exception to posting often would be if you are getting great results doing so. If you’re post reach is less then 10% of your Page likes stop and think why? Posting the same stuff more often will not help.
I know there have been many posting strategies recommended over the years and if you’ve got stuck in a rut and feel the need to post … just because you think you ought to, then take a step back and breathe.
Relevant & Meaningful is the name of the game these days and to be honest has been for some time.
Think twice, write once. Make the words matter and don’t plod along aimlessly.
Trust me I’m a Facebook Mechanic and I know what works
Last week I broadcast 3 times to different groups/pages showing the amazing result I had achieved with a Facebook post on my La Cala Life Project
I hadn’t posted for 2 weeks. I was waiting until I had something relevant & meaningful to share with my tribe.
When I did, they loved it. Tuning in to your tribe is so important for longevity, reach & engagement. By modifying frequency, length of post and type (image, weblink etc) you will see what your tribe prefer. You need to check your Page Insights regularly to really understand what is working and what isn’t. There is no point in plodding along and following what other people do, and hoping it works for you.
Plus you need to know that you are giving them what they signed up. When they became a fan what did you promise them? If you give the people what they want they will come back for more.
Posting 2 or 3 times a day is not necessary for the majority of business pages. Do you really have that much to say? Or are you just doing it because that’s what someone told you to do about 3 years ago …. and old habits die hard.
Elaborate plans and strategies like those used to adorn the interiors of Saint Isaac’s Cathedral are outdated and no longer effective.
Unlike the Cathedral these methods have not stood the test of time. Throw in a bunch of the wrong page likes, as that’s another old habit, and you’re doomed.
I’m not joking. STOP now before it’s too late
- STOP asking for Page LIKES* – and ask for Post Likes
- Less is more
- Give the people what they want
Keep it simple, straight forward. Choose what you say and when you say it. Don’t post for the sake of it.
Not only is it hard work keeping up with creative content and jumping through hoops, I have been tracking ‘post reach over time’ and if you do not leave a long enough gap between posts you are actually cutting them off in their prime.
Content stays in the news feed much longer than it use to and almost has a drip feed mentality. If you think of the number of times you see a post that is 2 days old you should suddenly get a #lightbulbmoment
If you’d like to receive regular top-tips about Facebook you can subscribe to my newsletter below – it’s FREE. I’ve also added a link to the video I broadcast last week.
PS. *When I say STOP asking for Page likes I’m not talking about during your start-up period, but even then there are rules and you must follow a launch formula
[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_2]
Here is a #lightbulb moment
I decided to take a close look at the options with reference to this Notification that some pages have received over the last week.
If you miss it you could be missing out, especially if you have customised your tabs with 3rd party integrations (Mailchimp etc) and will wake up sometime in August to find your Page looks quite different.
Take a look through these screen shots which goes from notification to template change and back again. There is also a video below as well.
Don’t leave it too late to make a decision as the notification appears to have an expiry date as to whether you wish to keep the existing template.
Here is the video –
If this is the kind of thing that drives you mad with Facebook and you need a refresher and some guidance, during #FacebookFit Summer Camp 2018 we will be going through more Facebook fundamentals and making sure you have your framework in place.
In the 5 days the course runs (online, so you can participate from anywhere in the world) you will learn how to reduce your social media stress levels, find your inner story-teller and have a clear pathway from which to get great results, without having to use Facebook Ads, unless you really want to.
The Class of 2017 had a ball, and this will be the ONLY version of #FacebookFit this year
Sharing is caring, but are you really making a difference or just making a mess?
Here are some pointers when it comes to being an effective influencer on Facebook, particularly if you are at an event or venue.
Get it right and you make an impact, helping them stand out – which is what it’s all about.
- Be prepared – before you start to post/checkin visit the venue Facebook page, check out the content and if you like both the place and the page give it a like.This gives 2 benefits – a. Clearly it shows you do like the place (in which case you must be telling the truth) b. You know where you need to checkin accurately
- Visit the Events tab on the page and make a comment, like a post etc. And even ‘share to news feed’. In the actual Event Page you’ll find a checkin button which makes life a lot easier to know where you are! NB: Note to venues/event organisers – create an event and post in it, don’t leave it bare
- Take a couple few pics and/or short 25 sec video and start to think about your text with maybe a suitable hashtag for good measure and check that anyone you are with can be tagged as well, so it works best if you are Facebook friends.
It’s all in the detail you see. This way the ripples that travel into Facebook Land turn into waves rather than fizzling out.
Also note if you are a Page Admin with an Event, don’t have the event closed to comments that need approval. It’s your job to be on top of it and at the end of the day it’s about the conversation and if you stop it in its tracks that is no fun.
In my next Facebook Summer Camp from 1-5 September 20188 you will learn loads more top-tips like this that are easy to implement and super effective. JOIN HERE RIGHT NOW IT’S ONLY £14.99!
Alternately if you can’t wait that long and need a Digital Makeover then book in for a brainstorm today and let’s Fix your Facebook (along with a whole load of other things)
This weekend I have been doing some serious house-keeping on my Facebook account, in readiness for my next Facebook Summer Camp, so I’m making sure I practice what I’m about to preach!
Let’s make one thing clear before we go any further – Pages with fans who do not like/comments/share are of no value and actually de-value the content.
It’s not about numbers alone, it’s about size to content to engagement ratio S:C:E
Where did you get your Page likes from? The source and method you used could be the one thing holding you back
If you have 50% of your fans who do not interact with you ever, Facebook will consider you as boring, and not being valuable to your tribe and will actually stop showing your content to less and less people/fans.
So, if you are invited to be a fan of the page, take a look at the content first and only Like it if you are likely to interact [bctt tweet=”Don´t be a waste of a like! #FacebookHousework”” username=”fionacatchpowle”]
You can’t afford to waste a single Like!
Of course there may be times when a friend to friend liking is required to help get them or you off the ground, but there are other ways to grow your fans and reach organically.
During my workshops I introduce the technique of using Page to Page Likes to develop a B2B connection within your tribe, and it also works as a valuable source of shared content.[bctt tweet=”Behind every Page is a person” username=”fionacatchpowle”]
The determining factor behind who sees what is called an algorithm (used to be called EdgeRank but not really used anymore) and there is no point in fighting it, you have to follow the rules and post rich content that will resonate with your fans and be true to yourself.
Of course the Artificial Intelligence Pixies can be trained in your favour (read this) but with poor content, lack of consistency and a constant sales pitch you’re more than likely to go nowhere.
Each action is called an edge and not all actions are equal and the time span of that action also determines its reach.
Basically if you post good stuff and people like comment and share more people will see it for longer.
The further the edges or ripples travel the more likely you are to get interaction.
Engagement and interactions can then eventually be exchanged for people taking action to buy.
So, tidy up your personal like list and be a valuable tribe member or unlike the Page.
Other things you can do to be more effective as a user on Facebook and have a better experience is to also check your news feed preferences, settings and Ad preferences here
If you’d like a more comprehensive guideline of do’ and don’ts on Facebook and really make the most of it then try my next WORKSHOP HERE
Your schedule button maybe on the move, if not already, AND the Publish button is now called Share Now
With no particular announcement that I can tell, Facebook have now moved their built-in schedule tool to the Publishing tab.
My guess is that it will be rolled out to all as the FB blue box is highlighting the News feed or Page Story feature (and Instagram if you’re lucky), so this means there really isn’t room on the Publish button for anything else.
Here’s what I’m talking about –
New look ‘write a post …’ box – the blue publish button is now called Share now, but doesn’t activate until you have started to write something
So, where is the schedule option hiding? Up in the Publish tab of course!
Select + Create and the write box opens, but again doesn’t activate the drop down options until you add content.
Here’s a live tutorial talking you through the new set-up